Beekeepers in central Maryland lost 80 to 90 percent of their hives over the past year, and this problem is happening all over the country. We need to act right now if we're going to stop this die-off. Will you donate to support our No Bees, No Food campaign, and other critical work to protect the environment?



URGENT BEE ALERT: Beekeepers around the country are reporting deaths in their beehives, in one location as high as 90 percent in the past year alone. It got so bad in California's almond tree orchards that the state had to import millions of bees to keep the trees growing.1,2

Meanwhile, the Trump administration is actually weakening protections for bees, ignoring its own scientists.3

Environment America is stepping up our efforts to strengthen bee protections at both the state and federal levels to save these precious pollinators.

Will you donate today?

Bees are essential to our food supply, and the health of our bees is reflective of the health of our environment. But we're losing bees at an unprecedented rate.

And we know what's killing them.

Pesticides called neonicotinoids -- including some that have been banned in the European Union -- decimate bee populations. And deforestation and the destruction of plant populations also affect the pollinators.4,5

We're working with members of Congress to introduce a bill reinstating a ban on neonics in wildlife refuges while urging the Environmental Protection Agency to ban neonics outright. At the state level, our national network has convinced Maryland and Connecticut to enact neonic bans, and we're introducing bans in other states as well. And we're encouraging states to pass bills similar to California's pollinator-friendly plant law, requiring states to put these plants on roadsides and other state lands.

This is an ambitious program, but bees are worth it. Will you donate to help Environment America's No Bees, No Food campaign, and support other campaigns to defend the environment?

Yes, I'll donate to help save the bees, and support other critical campaigns to protect our environment.

Thank you,

Ed Johnson

1. Steve McDaniel, "The bees are dying," The Baltimore Sun, February 7, 2019.
2. Amicia Ramsey, "Millions of bees transported to the Central Valley for almond season," Bakersfield Now, accessed February 12, 2019.
3. "Trump administration lifts ban on pesticides linked to declining bee numbers," The Guardian, August 3, 2018.
4. Erik Stokstad, "European agency concludes controversial 'neonic' pesticides threaten bees," Science, February 28, 2018.
5. "Changes in forest structure affect bees, other pollinators," USDA Forest Service, May 26, 2015.

Environment America, Inc.
1543 Wazee Street, Suite 410, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 801-0581


Federal Advocacy Office: 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003, (202) 683-1250
Member questions or requests call 1-800-401-6511.
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