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Families in Transition-New Horizons Logo

To our dedicated supporters,

As you know, you are a key part of the mission to foster the needs of human lives in New Hampshire. We want to make sure you are up to date with the latest work to serve people experiencing homelessness in the Granite State as this becomes a hot topic in local and state news during this global pandemic.

The situations at hand are no doubt testing our team's mettle. However, we have proven to be adaptive and resilient in our response and continue to be optimistic in our ongoing ability to deliver solutions. We are providing several services around the state and taking action as a leading player in support of a broad and challenging effort to address homelessness.

In addition to the housing solutions Families in Transition-New Horizons provides around the state which impacts the lives of up to 600 people on any given evening, we are working with city and state officials to find stable housing for many who are still experiencing homelessness. Several community partners are contributing to this work, including Healthcare for the Homeless, Manchester Mental Health, the local law enforcement and fire department, and city and state officials.

Intensive daily outreach efforts have enabled individuals to access vital resources, including financial support, housing, and mental health and addiction treatment services, as needed. We are actively seeking additional methods to expand the delivery of these much-needed resources and ensure everyone's safety in the process.

By no means is this work complete. There is still much to do in addressing the current challenges and in finding a long-term solution. As we respond to the issues brought forward by the pandemic, we are looking to the future and how we can use this time to continue the creation of a more comprehensive support system.


 Maria Devlin
 President & CEO
 Families in Transition-New Horizons |

122 Market St. Manchester, NH 03101
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