
Today is a big day for two reasons. First, it’s Chris’s birthday! It also happens to be our FEC fundraising deadline. At midnight tonight, we’ll submit our numbers for the quarter and they’ll become public information.

Before we submit, we still have a little ways to go to hit our fundraising goal. The best birthday present we can give Chris is meeting this target -- could you chip in a donation before midnight?

Chris spends every day working hard to bring change to the CA-08 community, and today is no exception. But we’d like to make her birthday extra special by meeting this milestone with a big show of support.

Show Chris that you’re thinking of her on her birthday by giving her the best gift -- your crucial support in this competitive race. Chip in today to make Chris's birthday a special one by helping her meet her end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

Thanks so much,

Team Bubser


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Paid for by Chris Bubser for Congress

Chris Bubser for Congress
P.O. Box 3702
Victorville CA 92393 United States