
In the Senate, I’m working hard to get results for New Mexico, but I can’t do it alone. That’s why I’m reaching out today to talk about Xochitl Torres Small.

Xochitl has been an incredible partner in Congress, working with me on health care, public lands, investments in our rural communities, and so much more.

Right now, she’s in a tough election fight to hold on to this critical swing seat in southern New Mexico.

I’m going to be doing everything I can to help her win this fight, and today, I’m asking you to join me. Xochitl is facing her big FEC fundraising deadline tonight. Can you chip in a few dollars now to help Xoch meet her goal and win this race? >>


This race could not be more important. Not only is Xochitl an incredible voice for southern New Mexico, but the Republican path to taking back the House runs through this seat.

Keeping Xochitl in Congress is critical to everything we’re fighting for, from protecting the Affordable Care Act to making sure our public lands are preserved for future generations. That’s why I’m all in to help her win this race.

The national Republicans are going to throw everything they’ve got at Xochitl. It’s up to us to have her back. So, I’m asking you: Can you chip in today to keep Xochitl in Congress?


Meeting these fundraising goals is so important in a close race like Xochitl’s — thank you for pitching in. Let’s show the GOP and national special interests that we are all 100% behind Xochitl and going to fight tooth and nail to hold on to this seat in November.

Thanks for your support,

-Martin Heinrich






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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125