We currently have a few urgent needs at Mother's Refuge...

-Paper Towels
-Clorox Wipes
-Trash Bags
-Diaper Bags
-Diapers (size 3,4 & 5)
-Summer Clothing For Girls (15-21 years of age)
-Summer Athletic Shorts (S - XXL)
-Summer Athletic Tops (S - XXL)
-Summer Women's Shoes (all sizes)

We are so thankful for any item(s) you are able to donate.

Click our Amazon Wish List below to have items shipped directly to Mother's Refuge.
We are also accepting donation drop off at the shelter. Please drop off your donations in the back of the house by the downstairs basement, as we still continue to eliminate outside contact.
If you would like a tax letter, please leave your name, address and phone number with a list of your donated items.

Shelter Address: 3721 S. Delridge Rd, Independence, MO 64052
Mother's Refuge | www.MothersRefuge.org | 816-353-8070