We must be doing something right.
I just learned that “Right Wing Watch” – a radical left group run by the so-called “People for the American Way” – has listed The United West as a “hate group” in three attack articles published on their website in this year alone.
If exposing Islamic terrorism and demanding that law enforcement root out the radicalization of Muslims in Mosques and Madrassas (grade schools) across the United States and Europe is “hate” – we plead guilty as charged.
If speaking out against Christian persecution and the genocide of Christians in the Middle East is “hate” – we plead guilty as charged.
If demanding that we secure our national borders with a wall, stem the flood of illegal immigration into our country, and kick violent criminals, drug dealers, and human traffickers out of our country is “hate” – we plead guilty as charged.
The same is true when it comes to our support of Israel… our belief that we must deport Muslim immigrants, who refuse to assimilate into our society and abandon Sharia Law… our right to fight back against the censorship of conservative views on Facebook and Twitter… and our decision to unapologetically celebrate American exceptionalism.
But to pursue these goals and effectively advocate for our shared values, President Trump’s America First agenda, our national security and our no-nonsense approach to Muslim extremism and the state of Israel, I need your continued financial support.
This next point is key.
Radical left groups like “People for the American Way” raise millions of dollars each year from deep-pocket billionaires, Hollywood elites like Alec Baldwin and Norman Lear, self-appointed “social activists” and even Muslim organizations linked to Islamic terrorist outfits like Hamas and Hezbollah waging war against Isreal as you read this message.
We rely on 100% of the funds we need to carry out our mission through the voluntary gifts of $25, $50, or other amounts we receive from our generous supporters like you.
And the leftist mob has made it more difficult for people like you to support us by shutting down our access to the PayPal payment platform.
You read that right.
Our account with Paypal was recently canceled for no reason, justification, or recourse. And they told us NOT to try to contact them.
So, we have opened a new donation account with a payment service called Revv.
By making your donation to TUW through Revv, you won’t let PayPal get in the way of your decision to help The United West with a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more today.
So will you help?
Will you contribute $25 or more today to help The United West defend Christians against persecution… expose radical Muslim groups at war with our American way of life… support Israel… and defend ourselves in court when we come under attack?
I hope your answer is “YES” because nothing less than the future of our country and the values we share hangs in the balance.
Thank you very much.
Tom Trento Director The United West
As you decide whether you will help The United West with your generous gift of $25, $50, $100 or more at this time, please consider this.
The entire radical left establishment wants to silence us. From lavishly funded socialist groups like “People for the American Way” and their henchmen at “Right Wing Watch” to the leftist media and subversive groups funded by foreign governments – we face a powerful collection of anti-American, anti-Christian attack dogs dedicated to destroying our way of life and the nation we love.
We can’t let them win and failure is not an option – and your decision to continue your support today could decide the future of our country for years or even decades to come.
The United West is an IRS 501-c3 non-profit organization approved for tax deductible donations. © 2019 The United West, All Rights Reserved. PO BOX 1029 · Lake Worth, FL 33460 Unsubscribe