We need Ed Markey in the Senate now more than ever.

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Friends -

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to my friend and partner in the United States Senate Ed Markey. But first, I want to explain why your support is powerfully important right now:

We need Ed Markey in the Senate now more than ever. He’s a leader, he’s a fighter, and he is a true progressive. On the big issues facing Massachusetts, Ed is a great champion in the Senate.

But right now, he’s facing his toughest re-election ever. We cannot afford to lose his leadership in the United States Senate.

The only way he can overcome this challenge is with the help of our grassroots movement. If all of us get in this fight alongside Ed, we can make sure he’s re-elected.

If you can, please make a contribution of $3 or whatever makes sense to you to Ed’s campaign before tomorrow’s FEC deadline. Your contribution will help power our fight for big, structural change.

We need Ed Markey in the Senate to make our country and our commonwealth work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

He grew up in a working-class family. He understands the struggles working families face today because he lived them growing up in Malden.

Now, Ed is on the frontlines leading the fights that define our time — from the Green New Deal to economic justice to Medicare for All and so much more.

He’s spent his career fighting for us — winning fights that others called unwinnable. He doesn’t back down when things get tough. He persists.

Tomorrow’s end-of-quarter deadline is the last one before his primary.

I’d be deeply grateful if you could contribute $3 or whatever you can to Ed’s campaign today.

Thanks for being part of this,

Elizabeth Warren


At a time when so many are facing hardship and uncertainty, we understand if you cannot afford to donate right now. We are just grateful to be in this fight with you. Senator Markey and all of us on Team Markey are here for you — fighting for you. We will get through this together.

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112

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