I really need you to pick up the pace.
Our End-of-Quarter Fundraising Deadline is TOMORROW, and I noticed you haven’t contributed yet to help us CRUSH our MASSIVE $18,000,000 goal.
This is our LARGEST goal EVER. The Democrats are hoping we fail, which is why I’m relying on my best supporters, like YOU, to make sure we don’t fall short.
This is so important that I’ve even activated a 500%-MATCH on ALL contributions made before 11:59 PM TONIGHT. We only need 100 more Patriots to step up today. I can’t do this without you, Friend.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT to help us CRUSH our $18 MILLION goal and your gift will be instantly 500%-MATCHED. >> CONTRIBUTE $250 = $1500 CONTRIBUTE $100 = $600 CONTRIBUTE $50 = $300 CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252 CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT This will be the biggest election of our lifetime, and I need to know that you are still with me all the way.
I’m calling the Trump Finance team for an update soon and I’m going to ask them if YOU stepped up. Don’t let me down.
Please contribute $42 NOW to help us CRUSH our goal and to get on the list I get next.
Thank you,
 Donald J. Trump President of the United States CONTRIBUTE $42 = $252