Monday, June 29th 2020
We are energized and encouraged by our Primary win last week - and now, it is on to November! Let's win our district back.

We are eager to begin the spirited campaign to unseat Democrat Elaine Luria and win this seat back in Congress!

We will be up against millions of outside money to maintain the radical left's hold on Congress. We need your support now.

Tomorrow, June 30th, marks the end of the month AND the end of the second quarter. We have an important goal of raising another $9,000 before midnight on Tuesday.

We ask you please contribute today. Donations of $5, $15, and/or $50 add up quickly - and that is what it will take to stay competitive for the next 127 days through the November 3rd election!
SAVE THE DATE! General Election
November 3rd 2020