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Stars and Stripes Forever PAC

Dear John,

I receive emails from Ida from time to time over the years, but this one in particular tugged at my heart strings.

It's an uncertain time for all of us Americans, but for our Service Members and their families, it's even more stressful.

As I know how much you appreciate our Troops sacrifice and service, so I thought you might like to help.

For America,
John Philip Sousa IV
            John Philip Sousa IV

Dear Fellow Patriot,

You may already be familiar with AdoptaPlatoon -- we have been sending personal Care Packages to our deployed Heroes for over 22 years!

However, as you are no doubt aware, the current pandemic has affected daily life for many Americans -- but none more than our brave men and women in uniform.

As you know, Troop rotations have been put on hold due to the coronavirus and our deployed Heroes who thought they would be going home in April, May and June were ordered to stay in place.

There are no words to describe their disappointment, sadness, and frustration that the anticipated hugs and homecoming celebrations from their loved ones were not happening after all.

Requests for Care Packages and specific items of need started clogging up our in-box...

That's why AdoptaPlatoon revved-up and increased our daily packaging and shipping of support packages to our Troops.

The latest news from the military is that starting at the end of this month and into July, those deployed Heroes who were "held in place" due to the virus pandemic will start being to be sent home unit by unit.

This also means that units state-side will be sent over to replace them.

Let's keep the Care Packages flowing into their hands.

Let's make sure that those who are on extended deployments get the items they need immediately and make sure those arriving overseas to fill their place know that the folks back home still care, have not forgotten and still appreciate their service even in the midst of this global pandemic.

Please join me in sending your appreciation and support to our brave men and women in uniform.

For a one-time gift of $36, your Care Package will be chocked-full of items that our Service Members have requested including hand sanitizer, cleansing wipes, field dental kits, nail clippers, bootlaces, and socks.

Your Care Package will also include soap, shampoo and a shaving kit plus other personal hygiene and quality-of-life items. And, as summer is upon them, sunscreen and lip balm will be tucked inside and, of course, special treats to remind them of home, such as Pop-Tarts®, Kellogg's® Rice Krispies Treats (a favorite), beef sticks, tuna packets, trail mix, and cookies.

These items might not sound like much to you, but it means the world to a deployed Hero overseas -- dealing with harsh conditions, delayed homecomings and feeling like their world has been turned upside-down...

Thank you for supporting our Troops overseas. From my unit especially, thank you for the thoughtful boxes that brought joy to each Soldier. While deployed, many of us learn to be grateful for the small things in life and you provided exactly that. From the snacks that Soldiers carried on mission to the toiletries for Soldiers living in austere environment, your support directly contributed to the overall moral and welfare of our men and women in uniform. Thank you!
-- SFC James - Team Atlas
A/502D E-MI BN, 201st E-MIB

So you see, your words of support and appreciation, and your gift Care Package means the world to our Troops!

So please, sign YOUR personal note to accompany your Care Package of support right away.

I hope I can count on you to continue to support America's deployed Heroes.

For our Troops,

This message was intended for: [email protected]
You were added to the system July 22, 2019.
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