Plus Ms. Tina Knowles-Lawson joins our voting campaign, important Supreme Court decisions, and more.
June 29, 2020
Top Story: House Takes Action toward Meaningful Accountability in Policing
Last week, both chambers of Congress took action on police reform. On Wednesday, Senate Republicans attempted to move forward on the JUSTICE Act — but failed after the civil rights community demanded a 'no' vote. In fact, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — at a press conference and on the Senate floor — held up our letter, signed by 138 organizations, calling on senators to reject the bill.

The following day, the House passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to help curb state sanctioned violence by law enforcement. We applaud this step forward and call on the Senate to take up, strengthen, and pass this legislation — not their watered-down, inadequate bill.

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Democracy Update:
House passes historic legislation, H.R. 51, to make Washington, DC the 51st state

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Senate confirms Cory Wilson — Trump's 200th lifetime federal judge

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Vanita Gupta and Rep. Terri Sewell call on the Senate to restore the Voting Rights Act

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Census Counts campaign launches 'stories for change' series to boost digital organizing

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Ms. Tina Knowles-Lawson penned a letter, joined by dozens of Black women celebrities and Mothers of the Movement, calling on senators to pass the HEROES Act — which includes $3.6 billion in election funding. The letter was sent in conjunction with our And Still I Vote campaign.

Knowles-Lawson and Tamika Palmer (the mother of Breonna Taylor) appeared on CBS This Morning to discuss the letter and why fighting for voting rights is inextricably bound to the fight for justice and police reform.
In Other News:
Trump and Stephen Miller continue to use pandemic to justify white nationalist policies

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After Supreme Court ruling, Congress must permanently protect Dreamers

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New blog post: Your confederacy is choking my people

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Supreme Court rightly recognizes key civil rights law protects LGBTQ workers

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