We could easily have world-class train service in the US.

My name is Marie LaPosta, and I have dedicated my life to working in public transit, to helping people get where they need to be safely.

We could easily have world-class train service in the US. We have the resources. We have the technology. What we lack is the political will to use them.

That's why I support Andrew Romanoff for U.S. Senate in Colorado, and why I have donated every dollar I can to help him win the Colorado primary for U.S. Senate tomorrow.

We need leaders like Andrew who will fight for a Green New Deal, who have the courage to take on special interests, and the vision to make our nation and our communities better places to live.

Can you make an urgent donation to Andrew’s Get Out The Vote effort in Colorado? The primary for U.S. Senate is tomorrow!

Andrew’s opponent is John Hickenlooper. Hickenlooper opposes a Green New Deal and supports fracking! Our planet cannot afford him in the U.S. Senate.

And we can’t either. Colorado is a Democratic state that just elected a pro-Medicare for All governor by double digits, but Hickenlooper actively attacked Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Medicare For All when he ran for president.

Right now is critical. Every dollar donated will add power and reach to Andrew Romanoff’s Get Out The Vote effort in Colorado today and tomorrow. Please donate what you can.

Thanks for being a bold progressive,

-- Marie LaPosta





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PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor's first picture book, I Can Change Everything, teaches kids the power of their imaginations — from changing their socks and shoes to changing the world. Buy it (or any other book) from Powell's using this link, and a portion of your purchase will fund PCCC's organizing!


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