I wanted to send a quick note to give you an update on our Federal Election Commission (FEC) end-of-quarter fundraising goal

Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

I wanted to send a quick note to give you an update on our Federal Election Commission (FEC) end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

As Chris' National Finance Director, it's my job to ensure we're doing everything we can to meet our fundraising goals. We're getting close, but to reach our goal tomorrow, we could really use your help.

Will you step up and rush a contribution of $5 to help re-elect Chris? Pitch in before midnight tomorrow, so we can make our FEC deadline.

Every day Chris is making us proud by holding Trump accountable and fighting for the issues that matter most to all of us. Chris is defending our health care, standing up for a woman's right to choose, and fighting for civil rights and racial justice!

If we're going to protect Chris' seat and take back the majority in the Senate, we need to ensure we have the resources to counter whatever attacks come our way. That starts with reaching this FEC fundraising goal tomorrow night.

Please, pitch in $5 before tomorrow at midnight to help us hit our end-of-quarter goal. We're counting on grassroots supporters like you to step up and make a difference!

Thanks for your continued support,


Amie Kershner
National Finance Director
Chris Coons for Delaware

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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware