It’s this simple and this obvious -- as we see what is going on here compared to what is going on around the country, Governor Murphy’s leadership has made a difference for all of us.



It’s this simple and this obvious -- as we see what is going on here compared to what is going on around the country, Governor Murphy’s leadership has made a difference for all of us.

When the COVID-19 crisis hit New Jersey in March, Governor Phil Murphy was recovering from serious surgery to remove a cancerous mass from his kidney. He had planned to take it slow for a few weeks and ease back into his responsibilities. But as the crisis worsened it quickly became clear that resting wasn’t going to be an option, and instead Governor Murphy was thrust into managing one of the most difficult challenges any governor has faced in our state’s history. 

Governor Murphy’s leadership throughout this crisis has been widely praised by people across New Jersey and the nation. They see that his decisions are based on science and data, not on politics. They trust that he’s looking out for everyday people, not big corporations or special interests. And they know that he and his team are working as hard as they can in the face of unprecedented circumstances. 

Now, the state’s largest news outlet is recognizing Governor Murphy’s exceptional leadership with an editorial that praises him for his handling of the crisis. The piece says in part:

The spike in coronavirus cases we’re now seeing in other states is alarming and could ultimately endanger Americans everywhere. European countries are considering banning travelers from the U.S.

Without a doubt, the mostly Republican strategy of sticking your head in the sand on the science is going to slow down the recovery in these places.

If people don’t feel safe venturing back out in public, packing the bars won’t help businesses or the economy. They’ll spread the virus from bars to their coworkers and grandmas.

On this, Gov. Phil Murphy did the right thing, and it’s the most important test by far. He made decisions that were very tough, but reasonable, based on expert advice to keep most businesses closed until the state had relatively few infections.

As we approach the 4th of July weekend, we can all take comfort and take pride that Governor Murphy is in office looking out for all of us. His actions have clearly saved lives and have put our state on a path to safety and responsibly reopening our economy. He’s stood up to extraordinary pressure and done the right thing for New Jersey. That’s the kind of leadership we hoped for when we elected him in 2017, and he’s delivering it every day. 

Saily Avelenda 
Executive Director, NJDSC 





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