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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 23 August


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Secularism in the media


PM pledges to implement findings of ‘religious freedom’ review by bishop

Boris Johnson says the UK will do "everything possible" to champion religious freedoms, including implementing the findings of a review into 'religious freedom' by the bishop of Truro.

Premier Christian Radio


Edinburgh Council delays decision on stripping religious leaders of voting rights

Councillors in Edinburgh say they will consult with faith leaders before deciding whether to strip "completely outdated and undemocratic" voting rights for unelected religious representatives.

Edinburgh Evening News


Charedi Jewish community to be targeted in new Government measles jab push

The UK's Charedim will be among the "under-vaccinated communities" targeted by a new Government drive to boost rates of "life-saving" MMR vaccinations.

The Jewish Chronicle


Abortion buffer zone case heads to Supreme Court

A Christian mother has decided once again to challenge a court decision that restricted prayer vigils outside an abortion clinic.

Premier Christian Radio


US Christian group sends anti-LGBT leaflets to UK homes

An American Christian fundamentalist group has targeted a UK town by mailing and distributing anti-LGBT+ leaflets.

Pink News


Leaked emails show Ukip leader comparing Muslims to Nazis

Richard Braine, the new Ukip leader, has been accused of whipping up religious tensions and anti-Muslim prejudice after leaked emails showed he argued that people should no more want Muslims to settle in their country than Nazis.

The Guardian


GCSE student who criticised halal meat in RS exam given lowest mark possible

A girl who was initially disqualified from her RS exam for calling halal meat "absolutely disgusting" has been given a 1, the lowest grade possible, after her disqualification was overturned. Her mother says this is a very surprising result when compared with her other grades.

The Sun


‘Hail Satan?: The Satanists battling for religious freedom’

Everything you know about Satanism is wrong. At least that's what a new documentary about the Satanic Temple could be about to prove.



‘A man threatened to “slaughter” abortion doctors. It’s part of a disturbing trend in the US’

Advocates for reproductive rights say President Trump's rhetoric is helping fuel a spike in threats against abortion clinics across the US.



Rights groups say Saudi reforms on women’s rights are much less extensive than they appeared

Campaigners have warned that Saudi Arabia's reforms on women's rights are radically less extensive than they initially appeared.

The Independent


Religious practice linked to anti-LGBT discrimination in US

A study from the US shows that higher rates of religious practice by residents of a state decreased the likelihood of that state adopting legislation that protected LGBT+ employees from discrimination.

The Conversation


Latest from the NSS


Islam, like any other religion, must be fair game for criticism

The disqualification of a GCSE student who criticised halal meat is a reminder of the need to resist censorious offence-taking on Islam and the normalisation of the idea of 'Islamophobia', says Stephen Evans.


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