AFSP’s Online Auction
Ends Tomorrow

If you haven’t yet had the chance to see some of the amazing items and experiences offered through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Online Auction, there’s still time to do so! The auction closes at 3 a.m. ET Wednesday morning, July 1.
Items available for bidding through AFSP’s Online Auction include five nights at a two-bedroom condo in beautiful Keystone Ski Resort in Colorado and more.
Proceeds benefit AFSP, and will help us continue to our important work in communities across the country, such as presenting educational programs about mental health and suicide prevention to the public, and offering support for survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide. It also allows us to continue funding groundbreaking scientific research, and to advocate for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention at both the local and federal level that we know can save lives.
Thank you to all those who have already placed bids and have spread the word across social media! Together, we are creating a culture that’s smart about mental health.
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 199 Water St. 11th Floor New York, NY 10038