– We have thousands of volunteers ready to spread the word about Doug.
– It’s almost impossible to imagine how big the list of people in Alabama is who want a Doug Jones yard sign delivered next week.
– And then there’s the dedicated staff we have built for the last 18 months – knowing we would be one of the most important Senate races in the country – getting ready to win a close race and put a marker down in the South just like we did in 2017.
I was at the Campaign HQ yesterday afternoon – the phone was ringing... but I was the only person there. We don’t have a wall with a countdown sign or lots of old pizza boxes lying around.
Alabama, like many Southern states, has seen a COVID-19 surge in the last few weeks. A month ago, we had 13,000 cases – by the time you read this, we’ll pass 40,000.
So we are running a campaign like I’ve never seen. We are working remotely – our volunteers are texting, calling, and mailing postcards. Nobody is canvassing on foot. Like many campaigns, we are learning each week how to be better at digital organizing.
What We Know, What We Don’t & What We Believe...
– The health of our volunteers, staff, and supporters must come first – we have to work and campaign in the only safe way we know how.
– We may or may not be all together and knocking doors by November 3rd.
– This work is more expensive than a traditional campaign – and those aren’t cheap.
– Two polls from the past week have us essentially tied as we approach the 4th of July.
– Keeping Doug Jones in the Senate means so much more than holding one seat (believe me, Mitch McConnell understands that, too).
So – please...(1) click here to pitch in – (2) power our team through this new campaign world, and (3) wear a mask. >>[[link removed]]
Thank you for your support.
Doug Turner
Campaign Chair
Doug Jones for Senate
PO Box 131025 Birmingham, AL 35213
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