Something historic happened last Friday, and you need to hear about it: For the first time in nearly 30 years, Congress voted on D.C. statehood -- and it passed in the House of Representatives.

This is a huge win for democracy. And it’s also a monumental milestone in the fight for racial justice. Statehood for D.C. would mean fair representation for the city’s over 700,000 majority Black and Brown residents. If established as a state, D.C. will be only the second state with a majority of non-white residents.

Now, D.C.’s statehood is headed to the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is wielding an archaic procedural rule that requires a 60-vote majority for legislation to pass -- the filibuster -- to make it impossible to pass the bill.

Let’s be clear: This is one of the most important civil rights bills of our times. We can’t let McConnell’s filibuster block it.

We’re demanding the Senate create a path to D.C. statehood with 51 votes. If Mitch McConnell can confirm two Supreme Court justices with 51 votes, 51 votes should be enough to give 700,000+ Washingtonians equal representation in Congress.

D.C. can’t wait any longer for fair representation -- contact your senators now and demand that they pass D.C. statehood with 51 votes.

Just a few weeks ago, Trump authorized federal agents to use tear gas and rubber bullets against peaceful protesters to clear a path for a photo opp. D.C.’s status inhibits the city from defending against this kind of egregious use of force and severely limits the power of the people who are showing up to fight for a fairer future for all.

For decades, Congress acted as if D.C. cannot determine for itself how to handle important issues such as marijuana legalization, gun violence prevention, or education. Enough is enough.

So, if you believe that your senators need to stand up for the rights of the 700,000+ residents of the District:

Thanks for fighting alongside us --

Emi and the PeopleGreater Team

P.S.: Today at 1 PM ET, Sen. Elizabeth Warren will be joined by 51 for 51 Campaign Director, Stasha Rhodes, and others for a conversation about the current fight for an equitable democracy. Join the conversation by registering right now.