Network News

New Americans

Get Out the Vote!

The Immigration Advocates Network is pleased to join the  #NewAmericanVoters 2020 campaign. It is a digital campaign that encourages the millions of newly naturalized citizens to vote in upcoming elections. We can all support community and civic engagement, by sharing resources that empower our newly naturalized clients to vote. Since 2016, nearly 20,000 applicants have used Citizenshipworks to apply for citizenship!  We are thinking about new ways to connect our Citizenshipworks users to resources and opportunities to fully engage in the benefits of citizenship. By registering and voting, new citizens can help shape the future for immigrant families and communities. If your organization helps folks on their path to citizenship, check out the #NewAmericanVoters 2020 campaign to register voters. For more information, go to https://newamericanvoters2020.org/. To find out how to register to vote in your state, go to https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state.

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Upcoming Webinars

Justice Power: Community Driven Litigation - Part One of the Legal Empowerment Series

Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 2:00 Eastern

Learn how community organizers and attorneys can work together to advance litigation led by the experience and expertise of impacted communities. Panelists from Organized Communities Against Deportation (OCAD) and Beyond Legal Aid (Beyond) will share insights on their work, including strategies and tactics to build strong partnerships rooted in equity and empowerment. Speakers will also reflect on the challenges and opportunities in co-designing grassroots litigation campaigns and cases aimed at building power and advancing justice. 

This is Part One of the Justice Power’s series on legal empowerment. Justice Power uplifts the work of immigration organizations who partner with communities to know, use, and shape the laws that impact their lives.

To register for this free webinar, click here.

Working with Whistleblowers - Part Two of the #DetentionKills Series

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 2:00 Eastern

In this practical and interactive training, two of the nation’s leading lawyers for whistleblowers, Dana Gold and David Seide with the Government Accountability Project, will offer key insights and practice tips for working effectively with whistleblowers, drawing from examples of their work representing Department of Homeland Security employees and contractors who have blown the whistle on issues including harm to children in detention, the abusive use of solitary confinement on mentally ill and medically vulnerable immigrant detainees, the illegal and dangerous effects of the Migrant Protection Protocols, and the spread of COVID-19 in immigration detention.

To register for this free webinar, click here. 

For our trainings calendar, go to: https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/calendar/

Latest from the Immigration Advocates Network 

This is the monthly digest from the Immigration Advocates Network and our partners in immigrant advocacy. 

Find the latest news and developments on our home page at www.immigrationadvocates.org. Join the Immigration Advocates Network - membership is free to nonprofit staff and pro bono counsel.

Jobs in Immigrant Advocacy

Payroll Administrator, Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York Location: Utica, NY Last Date to Apply: Position Open Until Filled Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. Location: Binghamton/Oneonta/Utica, NY Last Date to Apply: Position Open Until Filled Staff Attorney, Kids in Need of Defense Location: Ciudad Juárez, México Last Date to Apply: Position Open Until Filled Staff Attorney, Franklin County Legal Services Location: Chambersburg, PA Last Date to Apply: Position Open Until Filled 

For more jobs visit https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/jobs/. If you’d like to share a job listing, email [email protected].

About Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology to better support immigrants and their advocates.

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