Just a few days ago in the middle of the night, the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act in its entirety.

That’s right: In the middle of a public health crisis and pandemic – in which we’re seeing cases of COVID-19 spike across the country and here in Mississippi – the president is attacking our current health care law, putting insurance coverage for tens of millions of Americans at risk. It’s a damn shame.

Frankly, I’m tired of the non-stop attacks on the Affordable Care Act with no proposals or solutions to make it better. My opponent, Cindy Hyde-Smith, has offered absolutely nothing. She’s even voted for legislation undercutting protections for those with pre-existing conditions from being kicked off their insurance, or charged an arm and a leg because of them.

As I’m sure it is to you and your family, health care is personal for me. A few years ago, I fell ill to a virus that I figured was just a bad cold. Unfortunately, I woke up one day and my voice was gone. After a long search for answers, it was finally discovered that this virus had damaged my vocal chords, leaving me with the need for regular treatment. 

I am one of an estimated one-third of Mississippians with a pre-existing condition, and I don’t believe that any of us should have to fear how we’re going to pay for our medications, doctor appointments, and other medical care because the GOP decided to rip away our coverage. I may sound hoarse at times, but I will be a strong voice in support of health care in the Senate.

Not only am I committed to defending and improving upon the ACA, but I believe it’s finally time to expand Medicaid here in Mississippi, one of the only states to reject $1 billion annually in federal funding that would provide coverage to over 200,000 Mississippians. With our state at the bottom of national health care rankings and our rural hospitals continuing to close, we desperately need a change. 

Unlike Cindy Hyde-Smith, I will fight to make health care more affordable and accessible to everyone – not attack it and leave folks more vulnerable than they already are.

If you’re ready for a leader who will fight for your health care, consider chipping in $10 or whatever you can afford today to help my campaign hit our $200,000 goal before tomorrow's deadline. It’s really important we reach this goal on time.

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Thanks for all you do,
