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The national body representing Catholic schools is lobbying the government for help with school transport, warning that charges could rise by more than £20 a day.
The Catholic Church has been told to act swiftly to shut down groups across Scotland accused of promoting gay conversion therapy after local community, school and university priests were linked to an international anti-LGBT organisation.
The rise of Islamic fundamentalism has led to the killing of more than 7000 Christians in Nigeria by religious militants since 2015, according to a new report.
Laboratory tests found that the infant likely contracted the Type 1 herpes virus during a circumcision, directly from the mohel, who performed the ceremony using the controversial Orthodox method of blood cleaning known as "Metzitzah B'Peh," or oral suction.
While individual women have spoken out before about forced birth control, the practice is far more widespread and systematic than previously known, according to an AP investigation.
The teacher at the centre of the Parkfield Community School row reveals how the local community healed – and his curriculum became more popular than ever.
A Lincolnshire man who grew up when schools were prohibited from promoting homosexuality by law, has spoken about how it affected his life and stopped him from coming out for decades.
As the government considers ways to end 'gay conversion therapy' it should give Ofsted the power to stop faith schools fostering anti-LGBT attitudes in the first place, says Megan Manson.
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