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New opening hours
We are pleased to announce Bonegilla Migrant Experience has reopened following our closure due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Bonegilla Migrant Experience has changed its opening hours with the site open to visitors Saturday, Sunday and Mondays from 10am to 4pm.
Closed Anzac Day and Christmas Day. Admission to the site remains free.
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COVID-19 practices
Bonegilla Migrant Experience is continuing to follow the Victorian Government advice with regards to physical distancing and COVID-19 practices on site.
Physical distancing measures and limits on the number of visitors are in place. For this reason, it is advised to call ahead of your visit on (02) 6020 6912.
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Rediscover your Pyrex collection
The once common Pyrex brand kitchenware is becoming highly sought after in the retro design world.
After 10 years of collecting, Meaghan from Instagram’s pretty.in.pyrex will display her collection of kitchenalia of the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s for the first time at Bonegilla Migrant Experience.
Come and enjoy the collection in the Bonegilla Migrant Experience Mess Hall where families once came together to share their daily meals.
The exhibition will be on display until Monday, August 31, 2020.
Find out more here
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Celebrating Italian Australian grandmothers
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Bonegilla Migrant Experience is proud to present Nonne, Images Through Generations, an exhibition that showcases the role of the Italian Australian Nonne through historic and contemporary photographs.
This exhibition is on loan from CO.AS.IT. Italian Historical Society and Museo Italiano.
This evocative exhibition draws on the remarkable photographic collection of CO.AS.IT’s Italian Historical Society, as well as contemporary images and stories specifically collected from members of the Italian community.
Whether it is a long distance or much-loved nonna, a surrogate nonna, masterchef or great story-teller, we all have or have had a nonna. This exhibition reminds us of the role they have played in our lives and in our community. Join us in celebrating their wisdom, strength, perseverance, resilience and their great cooking.
Exploring this topic has revealed the often-overlooked group of women whose lives have been extraordinary in many ways. The nonne of yesteryear, like the nonne of today, face challenges in our society but their dedication and unconditional love for their grandchildren is never questioned.
The exhibition will be on display in the Tudor Hall at Block 19 from Saturday, July 4, 2020 to Monday, February 1, 2021 during our opening hours of Saturday, Sunday and Mondays from 10am to 4pm.
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Changes to events
Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the impacts of COVID-19, Bonegilla Migrant Experience has made the difficult decision to cancel events for the remainder of the calendar year.
This includes our annual Discover Bonegilla reunion event normally held in November and workshops and programs that were slated for the coming months.
Our events involve months of planning and the Bonegilla Migrant Experience team is having to make decisions now in the present but uncertain environment.
We understand the importance and value our visitors and past residents place on the reunion and connection and enjoyment the event brings. These are difficult and challenging times and we thank you for your understanding and we hope you remember, your safety is our number one priority.
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Projects update - Silhouette huts
As you enter Bonegilla Migrant Experience, you may notice something has changed. Two Silhouette huts have been installed over old foundations of Block 17.
Block 17 was used when the Bonegilla Reception And Training Centre first opened in 1947 as an accommodation block along with Block 18 and 19 before 24 blocks were taken over for accommodation. Later in 1952, Block 17 housed the school for primary aged children living in the centre.
Did you know there were originally 850 buildings that made up the Reception and Training Centre?
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Honour your loved one's journey
With more than 1100 plaques already installed on The Arc memorial sculpture, get yours now! The process just got easier with a new online order form. Click here to submit your application.
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How to contact us:
If you need to contact us, please phone (02) 6020 6912 or email [email protected]u
With the change to our opening ours, we are available answer calls and respond to emails Saturday, Sunday and Mondays from 10am to 4pm.
If you contact us at a time when we are closed, please be assured that you will receive a response during our operating hours.
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We'd love to hear your feedback
Have you recently visited us at Bonegilla Migrant Experience?
Feedback is always welcomed. The feedback you provide helps us deliver what we do, better every day!
Click here to complete the online survey.
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We regularly share news and happenings so follow us to keep up-to-date.
We look forward to welcoming you to Bonegilla Migrant Experience soon.
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