From the desk of Senator Ted Cruz

Fellow conservative,

When you don’t have any substance to stand on, you resort to cheap attacks.

Wendy Davis loves to attack me and my friend Chip for being principled conservatives.

She can’t stand the thought of an elected official voting to stand for life, protect our borders, reduce federal spending, and to get the federal government out of the healthcare business.

Davis has made a career out of pushing her barbaric pro-abortion agenda. She even stood on the floor of the Texas Senate for 13 hours fighting against a bill that would ban late-term abortions.

And back when the Coronavirus was at its peak, Chip completely suspended his fundraising to address the fallout from the pandemic. But Wendy Davis saw an opportunity to get a leg up on the competition, so she moved full-steam ahead with her fundraising from coastal elites in New York and California. But wait! There’s more. She then attacked Chip while he was taking care of his constituents.

This is not the Texas way.

Fundraising during the Coronavirus pandemic has Wendy Davis ahead of Chip by half a million dollars. I need you to chip in whatever you can today so that Chip can gain that ground back before a MAJOR deadline at the end of the month.

I believe our state represents the best of humanity. Texans believe that we can make our own decisions when it comes to our well-being. But Wendy Davis is so consumed by Nancy Pelosi’s radical agenda that she would vote with her on every single piece of legislation that takes away our freedoms.

We’ve got to keep conservatives like Chip in office if we’re going to take back the House in November.

If Nancy Pelosi gains a foothold here in the heart of Texas, she will ram her extremist liberal agenda down our throats so hard that we won’t even recognize this nation anymore.

Will you help me keep Texas red by donating today? Just a donation of $5 or $10 dollars will go a long way towards holding this seat for Conservatives and moving towards taking back the House in November.

Texas is my home, and I know that Chip represents Texas values in the best way possible.

Chip’s constituents are my constituents, and I couldn’t be prouder to stand by his side.

Chip in today to help us continue our bold conservative agenda and let’s tell Nancy Pelosi and Wendy Davis that this is Texas, not California.

For Texas,

Senator Ted Cruz

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