Friends -- here’s a quick Sunday update from Team Gómez HQ:

Tuesday night is our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline. As a quick reminder, this deadline is especially important because it’s the first one in our General Election matchup against our self-funding opponent.

We’re hoping to send a message of grassroots strength but we need to raise another $2,351 before midnight tonight to stay on track. Can you send a donation to Georgette’s campaign today?
FEC DEADLINE: Donate Today!
Donate $3

We’re gearing up for what promises to be one of the most expensive races in the country:

- On one side, you’ve got Sara Jacobs who has self-funded two congressional runs in different districts to the tune of millions. She lost the primary in CA-49 in 2018. Now she’s spending big money to try and buy this district.

- And one the other hand, you’ve got City Council President Georgette Gómez -- a community organizer who worked to improve this district her entire life. In her first City Council race she was outspent 3-to-1, but the power of the people won. Now, she’s fighting to be our next congressional member.

Cash is not everything, but you pitching in demonstrates that this seat will not be bought. Chip in now to help us build a strong, people-powered movement >>

Thanks for your support,

Alex Obolensky
Deputy Campaign Manager
