Hello — I’ll make this quick.

Tuesday is our primary election, but it is also when we will close the books on the most important FEC fundraising deadline we’ve faced so far, which means we will have to report how much we’ve raised and from how many individual donors.

As you likely know, the media, Mitch McConnell’s super PAC, and the Republican dark money network will pore over these reports trying to find any sign of weakness in our campaign.

Right now, we’re behind on our fundraising goal with just two days left until the deadline. The hard truth is that a big reason we might fall short is because we canceled in-person fundraising events due to the ongoing crisis.

I am convinced we can make up the difference before Tuesday’s deadline if enough grassroots donors step up. But I only want you to chip in if you can afford it.

Please, make a donation of $10 or more before our FEC fundraising deadline on Tuesday. Anything you can give today will go a long way toward catching us up on our goals and flipping this seat blue:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

When we file our FEC report, I want everyone — especially Mitch McConnell — to see what I see: a strong, passionate, and diverse campaign of people who are rallying behind our common values.

If you can afford it, I would very much appreciate your support.

Thank you.

— John