A Green Recovery means a new low carbon economy with green jobs, a better standard of living. Crucial to that is a Green New Deal that is truly green, fair, just and transformative.


A Green Recovery means a new low carbon economy with green jobs, a better standard of living -- securing futures INSTEAD of resurrecting a dying fossil fuel economy locking us into poverty, higher living costs and climate breakdown. Can you chip in today so we can put pressure on the government to choose the right path? YES Crucial to that is a GREEN NEW DEAL that is truly green, fair, just and transformative. Earlier this week, we emailed you about three steps you can take to help us build back GREEN. Step 1: find out what the Green New Deal is and what makes it so crucial to a regenerative England and Wales. Watch our short film on the Green New Deal with Caroline Lucas.

Thank you for your support.

-- Green Party

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