A Special Message from Prospect Managing Editor Alexander Sammon

A lot of different crises unfolding on a number of different timelines had to travel a long way to arrive at this particular moment all at once.

We have acute failures of public health, policing, and unemployment; we have longstanding crises of media, of inequality, of liberalism, and more. If you read the Prospect you’re no doubt familiar.

There’s a lot of talk about the need for a more adversarial press to serve as the xxxxxx to Trumpism, to runaway corporate power, to the profound failures of the leadership class that got us here.

The Prospect does it. We’re building out a particular vision of how to cover politics, policy, and power as it actually exists, and taking it to Democrats, Republicans, and corporations alike, whacking through the weeds and the wheedling, demanding accountability and exposing corruption. We’re a tiny team, furiously punching up.

Those are the stories we’ve been telling and endeavoring to tell. In fact, it’s what the Prospect has been doing for 30 years, helping lay the groundwork for a resurgent progressive movement that can take and wield power. We want to do more, and we need your help to do that.

Join The American Prospect today.

Thank you,
Alexander Sammon

Staff Writer
The American Prospect

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