“Real change after 2020 depends on who controls the Senate” — Washington Post

Flipping the Senate in 2020 is critical to any progress a Democratic President-Elect hopes to achieve. Without it, she or he will not have the tools they need to create sweeping, positive change in our country. Add a donation to make sure we take back the majority:

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John, it’s not enough to take back the White House in 2020. It will all come down to the fight for the Senate — because any progress a Democratic President-Elect hopes to achieve will not be possible unless we take back the majority.

Candidates like Sara Gideon in Maine, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico, and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina are all in a position to defeat their Republican opponents and carry our progressive agenda forward.

The work we are doing to elect more Democratic Senators is so important to the future of so many Americans, and you’re a big part of the way this work gets done — which is why we’re asking:

Will you add a contribution to help our Democratic candidates Flip the Senate in 2020? Even if we take back the White House, we cannot afford to leave Washington gridlocked by letting Republicans hold onto the Senate. Anything you can give will go a long way.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

As you read this message, please know there are many important decisions we are in the process of making on where to plug in our resources — which means this moment is when your dollars can have a direct impact on the choices we make in our campaign to take back the Senate.

The fact is, there are 22 Republican-held Senate seats up in 2020, and we only need four of them to take back the majority. But victory will come down to how you respond right now.

John, you can make a meaningful difference in Senate races across the country when it matters most. Can we count on you to add a contribution to help us Flip the Senate in 2020?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The work we are doing to Flip the Senate in 2020 has never been more important, and you’re a key part of that. We’re building a campaign fueled by folks like you in states across the country and counting on you to help us gather the resources needed to create a winning operation.

With your help, we’ll make sure Democrats cross the finish line and take back the Senate.

Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate