Hey folks —

See this guy?

John Hickenlooper

That’s John Hickenlooper (just a few years ago!). He’s a geologist-turned-brewer who is running for U.S. Senate because Coloradans are sick and tired of a failed leader who time and again stomps over Colorado to do President Trump’s bidding.

Now, take a look at this guy:

Cory Gardner shaking hands with Donald Trump

That’s the failed leader we were talking about. Cory Gardner even supports a lawsuit to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act and likely kick millions of people off their insurance — during a pandemic.

Donald Trump is doing whatever it takes to keep Gardner in office because he knows Gardner is a reliable vote for his dangerous agenda.

And then there’s... this guy:

Mitch McConnell

That’s Mitch McConnell. His shady super PAC and the Republican dark money network are flooding Colorado with millions of dollars in attacks and even outspending our campaign nearly 3:1 to keep John from flipping this seat.

John Hickenlooper is the Democrats’ best shot at flipping a seat red to blue and taking back the Senate majority. Trump and McConnell know it too. That’s why they’re trying so hard to beat him. Will you donate $10 or more now to help us send Gardner packing and end the Trump-McConnell majority in Washington?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Anything you can give before our FEC deadline on Tuesday makes a huge difference.

— Team Hick