
It’s been an incredible week for progressive candidates across the country.

Democrats in Kentucky and New York like Georgette who have been endorsed by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and groups like Justice Democrats made waves in competitive primaries. In some cases they won big.

CA-53 is our next big opportunity to keep our progressive momentum going, but we’re up against a huge FEC deadline on Tuesday and need to send a message that we have what it takes to pull off another progressive win.

Will you add a $3 donation before our FEC deadline? We're closing in on our $45,000 goal, and anything you can give will go a long way in helping us reach this mark.
If you've save your information with ActBlue Express, your contribution will be processed immediately.

Georgette is committed to fighting for our progressive ideals -- Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and creating an economy that works for working class families.

While it’s important that we raise funds to counter the super PAC spending against Georgette, it’s just as important that we send a message about our grassroots power.

Will you do your part by chipping in a donation toward this FEC deadline? Every donation — no matter the size — WILL make a difference.

Thank you,

Team Gómez