Saturday, June 27th 2020
Join us in wishing Scott...
Happy Birthday!

It's Regan here - Campaign Manager for Scott's race for Congress.
We are thrilled with the incredible milestone we secured this week: winning the Republican nomination!

This critical win would not have been possible without our incredible supporters, volunteers, and donors!

This weekend is Scott's birthday! And we would love nothing more than to report strong fundraising numbers to him on his birthday.

We are so close to hitting our goal! We ask that you join us in wishing Scott a Happy Birthday! And, if you are able, please support our campaign with a contribution today - just $5, $15 or $50 goes a very long way.

We are only 129 days out from the General Election, and we know we will be facing millions of out-of-state, blue money. Contributions like yours ensure we remain competitive & WIN this November!
Thank you for your generous support!
SAVE THE DATE! General Election
November 3rd 2020