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I won’t mince words. Indiana could determine where control lands in the U.S. House of Representatives – and whether we can finally kick Nancy Pelosi out of the Speaker’s chair once and for all.

I know that my race in the 5th District could be the decision-maker, and I’m up for this challenge.

Our state Republican chairman, Kyle Hupfer, reached out to me and asked how Hoosiers can help in my battleground race.

My answer was simple: We need proper resources to fund a strong grassroots campaign.

The Democrats are determined to keep their House majority, but we can’t let that happen. We must take it back and we must win this seat.

Kyle told me that his grassroots team (which includes you!) has a track record of winning across the state, so that’s why I’m reaching out to you. Can you help by chipping in what you can now?


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We have an important deadline coming up at midnight on June 30. It’s the end-of-quarter fundraising reporting deadline, and the funds we raise will determine our budget to reach voters leading up to the 2020 elections.

We have to reach out to conservative voters and get them to the polls in November.

We can’t let the socialist Democrats win.

Will you please help by donating today? Click here to donate.


Victoria Spartz

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