William Pendley built a career off of pushing to sell our public lands to the highest bidder.

So it’s completely unsurprising that the Trump Administration just nominated him to lead the Bureau of Land Management. The agency charged with protecting our nation’s public lands.

The fox is guarding the hen house, folks. Any Senator who supports our environment and public lands cannot vote for this nomination.

We need to fight back now. Sign my urgent petition demanding Congress vote against Pendley’s nomination to protect our public lands >>


Pendley has a history of working with out of state oil companies trying to drill in the sacred Badger-Two Medicine area in Montana.

He has worked to undermine and overturn laws aimed at protecting our public lands and outdoor economy. That doesn’t fly in Montana.

Because the bottom line is this: our public lands are special places.

They are reserved for the public’s use and enjoyment — not for the profit margins of big corporations and prospecting oil companies. And it’s our responsibility to preserve these lands for future generations.

If you agree, I need you to sign your name right now. Protect our public lands by ensuring Congress votes AGAINST Pendley’s nomination.


Thanks for raising your voice on this,
