Dear John,

We have to stop Mitch McConnell from selling out our democracy!

McConnell is shamelessly blocking critical election security reforms for personal and partisan gain. He’s getting campaign cash for himself from voting machine lobbyists at the same time he’s allowing Russian interference to help elect Republicans in the 2020 elections.

It’s a complete outrage!

That's why we're joining a massive coalition petition to fight back! Sign now to demand election security and tell Congress to stand up to McConnell! >>

The election security bills McConnell is blocking would provide:

✅ Paper ballots

✅ Funds to replace outdated equipment

✅ Post-election audit funds

✅ New cybersecurity requirements

Robert Mueller warned Congress to act. When asked about foreign attacks on our elections he said, “They’re doing it as we sit here… And they expect to do it during the next campaign.”

That means Congress needs to act NOW.

But it’s not just about foreign interference. Last year racist vote suppressor Brian Kemp declared victory in Georgia’s gubernatorial race while serving as Secretary of State in an election with no paper trail. It was impossible to audit the election despite Kemp’s suppression and interference.

Demand Congress take action NOW. Congress MUST stand up to McConnell and immediately pass critical election security reforms. Our democracy literally depends on it.

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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