In response to Trump's announcements yesterday, this from
The Trump/Pence Regime is Escalating Their Fascist Offensive Against Immigrants
Outrage Isn’t Enough: We Must Drive Them Out!
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The Trump/Pence regime’s plan to remove any limit on how long families with children will be detained by the government while their asylum claims are heard means many thousands will be held in hellish conditions indefinitely. Trump says he will end “birthright citizenship" for children of immigrants, gutting the 14th Amendment.
If this isn't fascist, what is?
Coco Das, writing on, says driving out this regime is “the greatest moral obligation we have,” and calls the regime’s actions “an ethnic cleansing of Latino immigrants and citizens, waged by the Trump/Pence regime and its many soldiers, from government agents in ICE and Border Patrol to young white supremacist men who are willing to follow the marching orders of a whole fascist movement, fed and strengthened by Trump’s immigrant bashing at Nazi rally after Nazi rally.
“It is not enough to hate this fascist regime; we have to drive it out. This American fascism will not be stopped painlessly, but it can be knocked off the tracks sooner than we can imagine with the right demand – that the Trump/Pence regime must go now – and millions in the streets in non-violent protest day after day, refusing to back down until their demand is met... read more

July 19: Mike Pence pronouncing that detainees not allowed to bathe are being treated humanely. See The Empty Gaze of Mike Pence by Coco Das & Sarah Roark on Counterpunch.
Why I Hit the Streets and got with Refuse Fascism at 81
by Lillian Forman

I am 83 years old, but I have finally embraced my responsibility to the people of the world.
I finally feel like a true grown up, that my life has meaning.
You can catch this feeling now. Don’t wait.
I’m eighty-three and people frequently compliment me for being an activist at my age. Some of these admirers go on to ask how long I’ve been involved in political protest. To my embarrassment, I then have to admit that I didn’t become an activist until I was eighty-one. The election of Trump finally shocked me awake to the dangerous direction in which our country has been headed for a long time.
Having watched Trump’s rallies, I knew Trump agreed with many Republicans that climate change is fake science, that fossil fuels do not damage the environment, that migrants coming to the United States are criminals and parasites, that our country should be inhabited mainly, if not wholly, by whites, and that health care should be an expensive privilege and not a right. Knowing this, I feared that Trump’s election would render my country and the rest of the world both morally and literally a wasteland. His policies since his election have confirmed, even exceeded my fears. For example, I never imagined that he would tear children from their parents’ arms and put them into dirty, crowded concentration camps...
Read Lillian's full piece
Follow & share Refuse Fascism to stay up-to-date with and spread the latest news from the movement to drive out the Trump/Pence regime. in action:
Sunday August 25 1:00 - 3:00 pm Organizing Meeting Ebrik Coffee Room 22 Park Pl SE Facebook event
Wednesday August 28 6:00 pm Protest: Blood of El Paso on Trump/Pence CNN 190 Marietta NW Facebook event
Sunday August 25 3:00 - 5:00 pm Organizing Meeting Windsor Street Art Center 119 Windsor, Cambridge MA
Saturday August 31 6:00 - 8:30 pm Potluck Social Church of the Crossroads 1212 University Ave. Facebook event
Tuesday August 27 4:45 - 6:15 pm Bridge Blogging on Montrose Avenue bridge over 59 Freeway
Wednesday August 28 12:00 pm Mike Pence Protest at American Legion Indiana Convention Crg 100 S. Capital Facebook eventl
Saturday September 7 1:00 pm Organizing Meeting Donato's Pizza 835 W. 10th Street Facebook event
Los Angeles
Friday August 23 4:30 pm Banner drop on 110 Freeway 7th Street overpass
Saturday August 24 2:00 pm March through Little Tokyo, starts at 100 N. Central Ave. Facebook event
Sunday August 25 5:30 pm Organizing Meeting Echo Park United Methodist Church 1226 N. Alvarado
Monday August 26 8:30 am Demand #Freeway9 Charges Dismissed Metro Courthouse 1945 S. Hill Street Floor 7 Dept 72
New York City
Thursday August 29 7:00 pm Organizing Meeting Asian American Writers Workshop 112 W 27th Street
Wednesday August 28 4:00 pm Get Organized! Green Line on Locust 4426 Locust St. Facebook event
San Francisco
Tuesday August 27 6:30 pm Organizing Meeting 1590 Byant Street, San Francisco Facebook event
Sunday August 25 6:00 pm Organizing MeetingAll Pilgrims Christian Church 500 Broadway East Facebook event
Tuesday August 27 4:45 - 6:15 pm Freeway Banner Protest Facebook event
To help organize a RefuseFascism chapter in Portland, OR; San Antonio or the Washington DC area, contact us.
RefuseFascism national team
917 407 1286