We’ve updated our page supporting Black-led organizations doing racial justice work so you can stay plugged into the movement Indivisibles,
The news cycle may have moved on, but Black lives still matter -- today and always. And though you might not be seeing non-stop coverage of it anymore, people are still in the streets, demanding justice and an end to police violence and white supremacy.
A few weeks ago, we sent you a link to a page where you could donate directly to Black-led organizations supporting this work on the ground nationwide. With your help, we’ve raised over $280,000 for those initial 8 organizations. So we’ve updated the page with a new set of recipients: 12 local and national groups who are working for racial justice every day.
We have a responsibility to center and support Black voices in this movement, and pushing resources directly to them is one of the best ways we can do that. Click here to learn more about the new set of organizations we’re supporting and make a donation -- 100% of your gift will go straight to funding these groups’ work.
We hope you’re considering ways you can continue to support racial justice work every day, not just when it’s in the news. There are an infinite number of places you can plug in, so whether you’re making donations or taking to the streets, we thank you for committing to work for Black liberation.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team