Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus says it all for me. Because of the moment we are now in, this book feels like the most important one I have ever done. I always knew I would write my own Jesus book — focused solely on what he said, what he meant, and what it means today. I decided this was the time to write that book. Some of the early readers tell me they think it’s the best I’ve ever written. I really and deeply hope so, given the deep spiritual crisis we are in that goes far deeper than politics.
This is indeed so much deeper than just a political crisis; underneath lies a deeply spiritual and dangerously moral one. I always “road test” all my ideas for a book. And the line I have spoken to people across the country since the 2016 election that gets the most response is this one: “The soul of the nation is at stake, as is the integrity of faith.” I have been grateful to see even some presidential candidates and media pundits now raising the “soul of the nation” language.
Everything has become so polarized, partisan, and binary. "Don’t go left, don’t go right; go deeper" is something I have often said but is more important now than ever before. And for us, going deeper means into Jesus.
Tell Congress to End Our Crisis of Gun Violence
Thoughts and prayers are not enough. As the Bible instructs us, we must “love not in word or speech, but in truth and action” (1 John 3:18). As a person of faith, use your voice to call for Congress to pass sensible legislation to address gun violence.
Job openings at Sojourners!
Do you, or someone you know, have a heart for social justice and are currently job searching? Sojourners now has positions open in our Washington, D.C. office that might be a great fit. See our listings for more details.