A Special Message from Prospect Managing Editor Jonathan Guyer

When Washington, D.C., shut down in mid-March, we were a week away from closing a print issue. Our office was shuttered, but we had a lot to do. It wasn’t just selecting the cover or the pull-quotes. We had to check in with our colleagues, stock up on staples, and hunt for paper products—all while finding the headspace to proofread the 68 pages that were due at the printer.

We met the deadline. We even squeezed in two articles about the pandemic. That March issue was the first magazine produced remotely in the Prospect’s thirty-year history.

We love publishing a website that a million readers turn to monthly, but there’s something special about putting together a magazine that you can hold in your hands. We plan stories that go beyond the day’s news.

Our May edition peered over the horizon at what the world will look like after the pandemic.

Now, we’re getting the hang of working from home and wrapping up our next one.
If you subscribe now, it’ll ship to your doorstep in mid July.

Accuracy is our guiding principle. Every word in the issue gets fact-checked by our talented team of interns. While many publications have halted their internships this summer, we’ve kept ours running, giving young journalists a chance to learn how to produce original content in a moment of national crisis.

We miss working together in our office. But we’re carrying the magazine forward from our kitchen tables and living rooms. We can only do it with your support.

Thank you,
Jonathan Guyer

Managing Editor
The American Prospect

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