Team, I have big news to share:

John Hickenlooper just launched his campaign for the U.S. Senate in Colorado. This is one of the top Senate races in the country, and he needs our help to start really strong.

Will you rush a split contribution today to help John start his campaign strong?


If we want to take the Senate gavel away from Mitch McConnell, we have to win this race in Colorado.

Republican Senator Cory Gardner is a rubber stamp for McConnell and Trump’s agenda in the Senate. That means the big special interests -- including the NRA -- are going to spend big to keep Gardner in the Senate.

John’s a former small business owner (he started his own brewery!), Mayor of Denver, and Governor of Colorado. He knows Colorado, and he’d make a heck of a U.S. Senator.

But with all of McConnell and Trump’s allies ready to spend big to hold on to this seat, he’s still got an uphill climb ahead of him. That’s why starting this campaign really strong today is so important.

Let’s show McConnell and Trump that John’s here to win -- rush a split contribution right now >>


I can’t wait to get to work with John in the Senate -- even though he spells his name with an “h”.

Thanks for pitching in,

— Jon