Worth Fighting For

The Latest

Team, so much is going on, and through it all, we cannot lose sight of the November election, just four months away. Since the last edition of Worth Fighting For, COVID-19 cases have spiked as cities and states reopen; primary elections continue to forge ahead during the pandemic; the Supreme Court has issued landmark decisions for the LGBTQ+ community and DACA recipients; and rallies demanding racial justice have continued across the country. While all this is happening, the clock is still ticking down to this year’s pivotal election. In the third edition of our newsletter, we’re sharing the latest from Team Tom, plus resources for you to get ready to vote for real change this fall.

  • 📰 With so much on the line this November, Republicans have ramped up their voter suppression efforts. Tom co-authored a column with Bishop Doctor William J. Barber II to discuss the state of voter suppression in the United States and how it’s used as a tool of white supremacy against communities of color. Take a look.
  • 🎙 To mark Juneteenth, Tom spoke at a virtual celebration with Mark Ridley-Thomas, Los Angeles County Board Supervisor and founder of African American Voter Registration, Education, and Participation (AAVREP). The event focused on protecting voting rights and the importance of the November election in addressing racial injustice.
  • 🔎 In a recent interview, Tom said California’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery looks at every decision from “a standpoint of equity, of racial equality, of moving for shared prosperity and creating opportunities for people who have been very, very short of opportunities and have been the subject of structural inequality.” Watch the interview and learn more here.

Action Toolkit

Worth a Review:

Be Inspired: Listen to Black Voices


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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA