Online exploiters have a new obstacle in their way in the state of Utah.
Online exploiters have a new obstacle in their way in the state of Utah.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: Warning labels for online pornography, NCOSE Defenders, and more!

#PornWarning: Utah Blazes Trail with Simple, Effective Label Law

Darby Bailey was tucking her five-year-old nephew into bed in May 2020 when she noticed an iPad he had been using was still on. As she was closing apps on the device, she was shocked to find that, although her nephew could barely read, he had somehow managed to open Safari and land on Pornhub!
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Take Action to Increase Internet Safety

We believe all people have the right to a life free from sexual exploitation and its effects. This includes the right to safe digital spaces where human dignity is protected and preserved.

We have several areas where your action and support are needed right now in order to make the Internet safer for all.
Take Action

Join the ranks of NCOSE Defenders today!

A Defender is a staunch proponent of creating a world free from sexual exploitation. A Defender is a pillar of unwavering support in the fight to oppose sexual exploitation and defend human dignity. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s Defenders are concerned individuals and families that contribute monthly to further the efforts of this mission.
Become a Defender

Only Three Weeks Until the FREE Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit!

Melanie Thompson's presentation at the 2020 CESE Summit will dive into platforms such as and will also explore other online and social media platforms, like TikTok and Onlyfans, to address their participation in perpetuating the online exploitation of children.
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Take Action Today:

With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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