I have some alarming news to share with you today.
Late last night, the Trump Administration filed an amicus brief in the lawsuit attacking the Affordable Care Act that Republican state Attorneys General have taken all the way to the Supreme Court, and they didn’t hold back:
“The entire ACA must fall.”
That’s right, the Trump Administration is demanding the Supreme Court invalidate the entire Affordable Care Act, which would recklessly dump as many as 30 million Americans from their health care in the middle of a pandemic.
Days after pulling federal funding for COVID-19 testing and with cases spiking across the country, Donald Trump’s answer is to try to strip health care coverage away from millions of Americans.
This pandemic has made it all the more clear that health care is a human right. Democracy for America is working to elect progressives up and down the ballot in November who will fight to end Republican attacks on our care and make Medicare for All a reality. Pitch in $10 or more to support DFA’s work right now:
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Our victories in New York this week show our progressive movement is growing stronger every day.
And with a president working to strip insurance coverage from millions of Americans during a devastating pandemic, the stakes of our work leading up to November’s election could not be more clear.
We need Medicare for All, and we need it now. But the only way we will enact universal health care is with overwhelming progressive majorities making their voices heard at the ballot box.
That’s why we’re organizing, registering people to vote, and supporting progressive candidates across the country. This work is powered by members like you. Pitch in $10 or more now to help elect a progressive majority this fall:
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Thank you for fighting for our progressive values and working to make Medicare for All a reality.
— Charles
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America