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Dear John,
Thank you for helping us get climate and transparency on the ballot in November! Hundreds of you have jumped on this time-sensitive opportunity to sign the petitions and spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
We've made great progress the past couple of days, but we need more of your help to get us the full way there!
This Sunday from 4-5:30pm, we're going to have an Emergency Phone Bank to help us spread the word further about this critical opportunity.
Please join us if you are able at this zoom link:
[link removed]
And whether or not you can join us, please continue to help spread the word to friends and neighbors!
Can you forward this email to 5 friends right now?
Thanks for standing with us for climate action and government transparency!
Dear John,
We have an urgent need for your help getting 2 key questions on the ballot this November.
The problem: MA Legislators vote down climate bills in committee without transparency.
The solution: Putting referendum questions on ballots in November in districts across the state around making committee votes transparent and advancing 100% renewable energy, so politicians get clear signals from their voters on how to vote.
How you can help: Please e-sign both ballot questions today! <[link removed]>, and get your friends and neighbors to do the same!
Thanks to a late-breaking settlement with the state, you can officially sign these ballot signatures from your computer!
We need all of these e-signatures in by July 1st so we can print and deliver hard copies to the town clerks on time- so PLEASE, take a moment to click on the link, use the drop-down to choose your district, and sign your name. Don’t forget to submit (and for BOTH questions)!
We have little time left to tackle climate change, help us get there by signing your name! <[link removed]>
After you sign, please invite your family, neighbors and friends to sign! Simply share this link, check out oursocial media toolkit <[link removed]> to post, tweet or email it to your network.
We don’t have much time to get these signatures to Town Halls all over Massachusetts, so let’s get to work!
Craig S. Altemose
Co-Founder and Senior Advisor, 350 Massachusetts
Executive Director, Better Future Project
P.S. Please reach out to us with any questions:
[email protected]
P.P.S. Already signed? Help usspread the word <[link removed]>!