
Attorney General William Barr has proven time and time again that he is utterly corrupt and unfit for his role as the nation’s highest law enforcement official. He has consistently attempted to hide, minimize, and justify the lawlessness of the president and his allies. He has attempted to silence opposition to the Trump administration by intimidation, as in the case of Roger Stone, and by force, as seen in Lafayette Square just weeks ago. And now, he has ousted Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman, who has been investigating the president and members of his inner circle.

By deciding to act as Trump’s personal lawyer, Barr has frequently abused the power of his office. If left unchecked, the role of the attorney general will be forever damaged.

Sign if you agree: Congress must impeach and remove Attorney General Barr.

Congress cannot wait any longer. Attorney General Bill Barr must be impeached and removed for violating his oath of office. He is a threat to the rule of law. He has used his position to push his own and the president’s personal agendas when his job is to run the nation's primary law enforcement agency. He does not serve the interests of the nation, and he must be held accountable.

Sign and send the petition: Demand Congress immediately impeach and remove Barr.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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