Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John --

Did you see what Vice President Joe Biden said about Chris in Politico this week? Take a look:

Joe Biden Quote

Ever since Chris was sworn in to the seat Joe once held, he's been fighting for Delaware and our nation. Now, we need your help to make sure he can keep up the fight in the Senate.

Will you join Joe Biden in supporting Chris? Chip in $5 or more before our FEC fundraising deadline on Tuesday >>

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We find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented trifecta: a global pandemic, an ailing economy, and a national reckoning. We need a president who can unite and heal our country. That's Joe Biden. But it's just as important that we flip the Senate and get critical legislation passed, which is why Chris is running for re-election.

Our primary election is less than 90 days away, and our FEC fundraising deadline is quickly approaching. With less than a week left, we want to finish strong and ensure that Joe gets elected, we can protect our democracy, and that Chris can continue to fight for the people of Delaware.

Chip in $5 or more before our end-of-quarter FEC deadline to re-elect Chris and help Democrats take back the Senate.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware