Dear John,

This Week @CPUSA
broadcasts live from "Occupy City Park" in front of New York City Hall where protesters are demanding a $1 billion cut in the NPYD budget.

Read an account of day 3 of "Occupy City Park" in New York.

The 1%, the Police, and the Fascist Danger
explains why the capitalist class turns toward fascism in times of crisis.

Police and prison abolition is a top demand. What does it mean to reimagine public safety?

The economic crisis and police violence have sparked people's movements.

The pandemic exposes the crisis of America's ruling class

Cuban solidarity health workers deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Here's why.

Thinking "regionally" is key to organizing the unemployed.

The Spanish Communist Party writes on neoliberalism and the pandemic.

Join the next Marxist class this Sunday, June 28. This webinar will provide an overview of the main changes to imperialism since Lenin's Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism. Click here for details and registration link.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

For the Website Collective


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