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John, last week, establishment Democrats went on the record as saying they OPPOSE fair, constitutional redistricting. Do you know what that means?
The Democrats are going to redraw the districts for the House of Delegates, State Senate, and U.S. Congress to benefit other Democrats and draw Republicans into nothingness. That's textbook gerrymandering, and it's not what the Democrats supported when they were in the minority.
But we're going to fight back. We're going to fight them in the press, we're going to fight them in court, and we're going to fight them at the ballot box. We need your help to get that done.
The Democrat establishment showed us that they're willing to lie, cheat, and steal to stay in power. You can't let them win.
Jack R. Wilson, III
Republican Party of Virginia
P.S. - Democrats supported fair redistricting as recently as last year. What changed? They got some power and decided to use it against Virginians.
115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219
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Jack Wilson
115 E Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219