Alabama & URGE Texas are participating in a larger campaign being
coordinated by ACLU
Alabama, which is calling on
local officials to make meaningful efforts to decrease arrests and
jailing people, given the global pandemic we are all navigating. We
specifically have noted that in Alabama & Texas, police are
involved in enforcing stay at home orders and curfews
As our
recent Young People’s Reproductive Justice Policy
Agenda revealed, our people
want us to ensure the safety of young women, young people of color,
immigrant youth, and LGBTQIA+ youth by addressing issues of persistent
criminalization. The disproportionate policing of our
people interferes with their personal bodily autonomy and the right to
parent children in safe and sustainable communities, core tenants of
Reproductive Justice.
We want
to use art to educate folks on this topic. The art would be shared on
social media, with our members, and potentially be used to create yard
signs, posters, coloring books, and/or stickers to politicize folks on
the issue of policing, highlight policing as a reproductive justice
issue, and start conversations about community safety.
are calling for artists to submit art for consideration.
The application is due Monday July 6, 2020 at 5PM

must be submitted via this Google
Form Application by 5PM
CST by Monday July 6, 2020.
Questions? contact
[email protected]
Thank you for your investment in
reproductive justice.
Alabama & URGE Texas
URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender