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Summer is Here and First Star is READY! 
First Star has made significant strides supporting our scholars, alumni, Academy Directors, and the greater First Star community over the last few months. We have had the opportunity to adjust our typical priorities and find a new normal through virtual learning and connectedness. As we embark on our first Summer Academy season in this ever-changing world, we are confident that we will meet it with the innovation and fortitude our First Star family and scholars deserve. 
Our 2020 Summer Academies Have Begun!
This change to digital learning has provided us with a host of new opportunities for connecting with our students and our greater First Star community. What could have been a challenge, has actually given us the ability to be creative and inventive with our programming. Transitioning to a virtual plane has in some ways, brought us all closer. Community partners, university liaisons, and the First Star national team are able to 'visit' with students and interact in unprecedented ways. Below are some of the aspects of our virtual programming, which we will continue to incorporate, long after we return to in-person meetings and residential summer sessions. 
First Star Stands in Solidarity and in Support of Equality and Social Justice
First Star Illinois State University Academy 

We are so proud of Sincere Williams (pictured far right), a recent graduate of our First Star Illinois State University Academy who will be attending McKendree University in the fall, for becoming one of the leading voices in his community during the current struggle for racial equality. Along with 20 other young black men and women, Sincere started the 'Young Revolution' group to promote peaceful protests and unity across the city of Peoria, IL. Earlier this month their first march, which was attended by hundreds, garnered the attention of Illinois Governor JB Pritzker (second from left) who came out to support the movement and offer his praise and congratulations to the group. Read more about the Young Revolution's movement here
South Jersey Collaborative 
Staff members and peer mentors from our South Jersey Collaborative attended a student-led protest at Rowan University just last week. We are so inspired by our First Star family for continuing to find pathways to end injustice and inequality in their communities. We are FIRST STAR!
Find out ways you can join us in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. 
First Star's National Graduation Ceremony
As part of Foster Care Awareness Month, First Star hosted a special virtual graduation ceremony for our Class of 2020! In case you missed it, you can still help us celebrate this milestone by watching it on our YouTube channel!  
Our Illinois State University Academy is Hiring! 

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Deneca Avant, our current ISU Academy Director, has been appointed as the Interim Director of the School of Social Work at ISU. As she transitions into her new role, we are looking to hire a part-time Academy Director.  Find out more about the position here. 
Join First Star in the #FosterChallenge

In May, First Star teamed up with the Mixed Roots Foundation and Music is Unity for a first-of-its-kind #FosterChallenge to raise awareness and funds to meet the urgent needs of foster youth across the country. The #FosterChallenge is an online campaign that brings together celebrities, businesses, government officials, entertainers, and sports figures who have created exciting experiences and items to help raise funds, which will be distributed to 25 nonprofits who work with foster youth. First Star is one of these partner nonprofits!

The #FosterChallenge online auction officially ends Tuesday, June 30th. Find out more or make a bid HERE

Bid on a One Hour Zoom with
Casting Director Robert Ulrich

Head over to the online auction to bid on a One Hour Zoom with Top Casting Director Robert J. Ulrich, which will directly benefit First Star. Sit down with Mr. Ulrich, who may just share his tips and tricks on how you can get your foot in the door in Hollywood!
Bid directly on this opportunity HERE. 
Mark Your Calendars for
'Combating Summer Melt Amid a Pandemic' 

Hosted by John Burton Advocates for Youth, First Star will be among the presenters during the 'Combating Summer Melt Amid a Pandemic' webinar on Thursday, July 16th at 9:30am PST/ 12:30pm EST. 
Summer is a crucial time for foster youth transitioning from high school to college. Even in normal times, large numbers of foster youth who intended to go to college do not arrive for the first day of class, a phenomenon known as “summer melt.” The webinar will offer concrete suggestions for adult supporters to help foster youth stay on track with their college plans during these crucial coming months. Topics covered will include strategies for managing mental health needs, securing housing access, and navigating the nuts and bolts of matriculation.
Sign up for the exciting and FREE webinar HERE. 
Become a Monthly Donor Today
In the News

The child welfare system has a long history of structural racism. Black, Brown, and Native children have disproportionately high rates of family separation and involvement with child welfare, and poorer outcomes when involved in these systems.  The upEND movement works to create a society in which the forcible separation of children from their parents is no longer an acceptable intervention for families in need. 
John Burton Advocates for Youth is collaborating with Together We Rise and the Califormia College Pathways to create the COVID-19 Safety Net Fund, which will help current or former foster youth with college costs during the pandemic. The fund will help the more than 30,000 foster youth in or about to enter college in California. 
West Virginia

Governor Jim Justice announced the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources’ Bureau for Children and Families will be issuing a one-time payment for families and providers as part of West Virginia’s ongoing response to COVID-19. The payment is meant to provide in-state foster families, child-placing agencies, and residential and emergency shelters with more financial help for costs incurred from the pandemic.

Make sure you are following us to stay
up to date with our Academies this summer! 
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2049 Century Park East
Suite 4320
Los Angeles, CA 90067

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