Let's make sure that we build our country back Green. This is a once in a lifetime moment to transform the way we live.


This is a once in a lifetime moment to transform the way we live, travel and work - tackling the health, climate, nature and economic crises all the same time - and creating a more equal and secure future for us all. As coronavirus lockdown is easing, we have an opportunity to build a greener future.

That’s why we’re building a Green Recovery campaign. We are fighting for a truly Green Recovery like there’s no tomorrow. Are you with us? GIVE NOWWe must build an England and Wales that overhauls our destructive systems and builds back an economy that works for people, not people working for the economy -- can you chip in today so we can make sure that the recovery we get is not one of empty promises but real, transformative action that protects both the planet and people?


Thank you for your support,
Natalie Bennett
Green Party Peer

P.S. Yesterday we emailed you with three additional steps you can take now to help make our Green Recovery a reality. Have you done them?

We're a grassroots funded organisation and we value keeping you informed about campaigns and opportunities to get involved.

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